Crafting Concrete in Minecraft: A Step-by-Step Guide

Image Source: Pinterest

Crafting concrete in Minecraft is an easy but often overlooked process. This guide will teach you how to make concrete blocks quickly and easily.

Step 1: Gather Materials

To craft concrete, you will need four blocks of sand, four blocks of gravel, and one block of concrete powder. All these items can be gathered from the environment around you.

Step 2: Put the Blocks Together

Once you have all the materials, line up the sand and gravel into a two-by-two-square pattern. Place the block of concrete powder on top of the middle block of gravel. The sand should be facing outwards while the gravel should be facing inwards. This will create a hollow area surrounded by sandy bricks and gravel below it.

Step 3: Use a Water Bucket

Next, fill the hollow area created by your sand and grass pattern with water using your water bucket or another water source. Your water bucket should completely cover all sides of your patterned area until it’s full. Once that’s done, take away your water bucket and allow for the water to evaporate naturally for at least 10 seconds before moving on to Step 4.

Step 4: Process Complete!

After waiting for 10 seconds, check back on your patterned area to see if all the blocks have turned into hardened concrete blocks! If they are still liquid then wait for a few more seconds until they harden into solid concrete blocks – congratulations! You have now crafted yourself some concrete!

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