Spelling can be tricky, especially when it comes to tricky words such as a restaurant. Fortunately, there are a few ways to make sure you spell the word correctly every time.
First, you can memorize the spelling of the word. The restaurant is spelt with 10 letters: r-e-s-t-a-u-r-a-n-t. Breaking down the spelling into smaller chunks can help with memorization. Try to remember that “rest” and “aunt” each make up half of the restaurant’s spelling.
Another way to double-check your spelling is by using a dictionary or other online resource that provides definitions, pronunciations and spellings for words. You can also use an online spellchecker tool that will highlight any spelling errors you have made in a document so you can correct them before submitting your work.
Finally, if all else fails, consider asking someone else for help! It never hurts to ask for assistance from someone knowledgeable about English language rules and conventions.